####################### About this Document ####################### ***************** License & Credits ***************** `VLC Media Player` itself is released under the `GNU General Public License Version 2 `__. More info `videolan.org/legal `__. Except where otherwise noted, the content of the `VLC User Documentation` is available under a `Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License `__ or any later version. Please attribute the "VideoLAN Documentation Team" and include a hyperlink (online) or URL (in print) to this document. See `Best practices for attribution `__ for further explanation. It means, that when contributing to the manual you do not hold exclusive copyright to your text. You are, of course, acknowledged and appreciated for your contribution. However, others can change and improve your text in order to keep the manual consistent and up to date. Many thanks to Edidiong Anny-Asikpo for the amazing `original work `__ on `VLC User Documentation`. ********** Contribute ********** You are very welcome to help us maintain and improve the `VLC User Documentation`! You can find more details on how to contribute on the `sources repository `__ of this document.