.. _report-bug-android: ############################## How to Report a Bug - Android ############################## ------------------------------- Are you sure it's a true bug? ------------------------------- Well, you know the old adage: "*Have you tried turning it off and on again*?" ;) Don't be mistaken - we believe you but sometimes, it is truly not our fault. So before becoming grumpy, try these steps: * Restart your Android device, then relaunch VLC. * Still getting the bug? Try to uninstall and re-install VLC. The bug is definitely still there? Now you can keep reading this page. ------------------- What you have to do ------------------- In order for us to investigate the issue on VLC for Android, we need the following information: * The exact device name (can be found :menuselection:`Settings --> About Phone --> Model Number`). * The Android version (can be found :menuselection:`Settings > About Phone > Android Version`). * The VLC version (can be found :menuselection:`VLC > Options > About`). * A log file (see :ref:`below section `). * Whether the issue occurs only on one media (video or music) or all of them. * Location to a sample, a screenshot etc. * Steps to reproduce the bug as we'll need them once we start to work on fixing the bug. If you were asked to do this by a developer from the `VideoLAN forum `_, then please respond with this information in the same thread. If not, send us this information at android-support@videolan.org. However, if you are confident enough about your bug being a new one, feel free to create a report on the `VLC bug tracker `_. .. admonition:: Note Kindly use the **bug** template while creating an issue. Please note that any tickets which do not follow the standards for bug reporting will be *closed* systematically. .. _finding-log-file: ------------------------- How to find the log file? ------------------------- ..................... If VLC Player crashes ..................... Normally, when VLC crashes it will leave behind a ``vlc_logcat_.log`` file in your **Device's root directory**. .. _send-log-file: If you do not find any log in the form of ``vlc_logcat_<...>.log``, then you probably have a **Native crash**. See :ref:`below section ` for details on native crashes. Then, send us this ``vlc_logcat_<...>.log`` file. .. figure:: /images/support/report_a_bug/android_logcat_filemanager.png :alt: Log files in your SD card's root :align: center :scale: 50 % ........................................ Playback issues where VLC does not crash ........................................ If VLC does not crash, you have to manually create a log file. 1. Ensure VLC is completely closed by force-stopping it in Android settings. 2. Start VLC. 3. Go to :menuselection:`Settings --> Advanced --> Debug Logs` (at the very bottom), and tap Start logging. 4. Go back and play the media file in question and/or try to reproduce the issue. 5. Once you are done playing the file, go back to the **Debug logs** screen. You can find the log in this screen. 6. Save it to storage by clicking on :guilabel:`DUMP LOGCAT LOG` button. Then follow the asme :ref:`steps as above ` for sending the file to us. 7. You can also paste it on `pastebin `_ site and send us the link. 8. Remember to press :guilabel:`STOP LOGGING` to end the debugging session and return to normal usage. ..................... User Interface issues ..................... Take a screenshot of the device's screen depicting the issue with the User Interface and follow the same steps to send it to us. ............................ Advanced users or developers ............................ * However, in some cases you will need **access to a computer** and **enable adb debugging**. To do this, first ADB debugging must be enabled: .. tabs:: .. tab:: On Newer android version devices :menuselection:`Settings --> Developer options --> USB debugging` .. tab:: Or on older phones :menuselection:`Settings --> Applications --> Development --> USB debugging` * The normal developers' approach is to install the `Android SDK `_ and run in shell: .. code:: console adb logcat -d > log.txt and then pastebin the ``log.txt``. .. _native-crash-log-file: ............................... Native crashes (advanced stuff) ............................... Sometimes, you might asked by one of the developers for a **backtrace**, or **native trace**. If so, then please see `AndroidCompile #Native debugging `_.